INVESTIGATOR (In training)
OCCUPATION: Full Time Degree Student

Hi my name is Shula and ever since I can remember I have been interested in the paranormal. My friends and I would talk about all things ghostly and of course scare ourselves silly with talk of spooky goings on at school and around the neighbourhood. My interest went as far as my English oral exam being based on the paranormal which I passed with flying colours.

As I grew older, I became more and more intrigued by the subject and my curiosity got the better of me. Researching the internet for local groups I decided to go on a couple of investigations that were open for the public and although the nights were interesting it felt like it was not taken as serious as I thought it would be and I came away disappointed. So back to the internet I went and after more research I found a group that were a lot more serious about their investigations and I learnt a lot, most important being that a lot of the time is spent waiting around in a cold dark room with nothing happening (unlike certain programmes suggest)

After moving house I had to again find another group that had the same interest and views on the paranormal. I eventually found Spectre Analysis and after an interview, I was invited to an investigation.

Saturday 14 February 2009

The Mitchel Memorial Theatre

It was a quit cold on the night of the investigation but it was a night I had been looking forward to for a long time. The team from Spectre Analysis are extremely friendly and very professional and this put me at ease.

On arriving all the equipment was set up, the theatre itself is remarkable though it felt a bit strange being on the stage area instead of sitting in the audience.Once everyone was ready we sat round a table in the middle of the stage and tried proceeded to make contact with the said spirits, Jacqui and Kath asked out to see if anything would happen.

There were a couple of noises but we decided that these could be due to heating in the pipes. 4 of us around the table felt a distinct drop in temperature although the reading on the thermometer had in fact gone up? Sarah asked out using a few names that were associated with the theatre and there were a couple of noises that were heard but it was hard to pinpoint where they were coming from. At the end of our first vigil we had a short break.

It was at this point that Sarah and kath noticed it particular seat had come down… on its own? (we had checked before out first session started that all the seats were in an upright position). We could not explain why this had happened since we had all been sat on the stage?After the break we all split of into teams to go and do some vigils in different parts of the theatre, so I and Steve headed off into Dressing Room 2.

Since this was situated on the ground floor right next to a busy street it was very difficult to hear anything and though we asked several times for things to happen through the half hour nothing did. The second location myself and Steve did was the actual stage and auditorium, again there were several noises that we heard but it was again difficult to pinpoint where they were coming from.

We asked for the seat to be moved down again but this time it did not happen.The third vigil we did was in the workshop. When we first sat down a tapping was heard but we could not find where it was coming from, when it had stopped Steve and I both saw a shadow move across the back of the room but we both decided that since there was a window behind us then it could have been a light from a car reflecting through the window.

The night I had been looking forward to for so long was over and though nothing major happened I still had an enjoyable night with likeminded people who made this experience a good one for me.

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